Classification of Repairs
Lynchburg Stained Glass provides on-site window assessments of historic stained glass and makes classifications of repairs accordingly. Based on our observations, we develop a masterplan for the care, repair, and/or restoration of the historic windows.
Rarely are repair needs consistent from window-to-window within the same church. Often, stained glass windows can be ranked in terms of criticality based on their need for repair. This sort of ranked assessment typically leads to a pricing structure for restoration where the window(s) with the most critical need(s) are targeted as “Phase 1”.
Phase 2 window restoration pricing may also provided, allowing the church to then tailor the scope of the restoration to best fit their budget. Windows (either entirety or in part) are categorized as follows (this is an example and may vary from project to project):
Window Repair Nomenclature
(May vary from project to project)
Phase 1: “Critical repair needed”
Imminent risk to both the artistic integrity and structural integrity of the window.
Phase 2: “Repair needed but not critical”
Can wait 5-7 years or as budget allows.
Windows are “OK”
No repairs needed at this time.
Left: Example of Window Survey Plan which identifies the window location within the church and reports its condition.